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The vision for Mary's House for Older Adults (MHFOA) is simple yet breathtaking: we envision a life for older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and same-gender loving adults where housing fragility, food insecurity, poor health access, discriminatory care, social isolation, loneliness, and violence are relics of the past.

As we build the first communal, brick-and-mortar LGBTQ+/ SGL elder-affirming residence in Washington, DC, we envision culturally competent coordination and delivery of exercise, arts, yoga, massage, mental health, and other life-affirming services. We are keenly aware that these same inclusive services are sorely needed by LGBTQ+/SGL elders who want to age in their homes and those who live in nursing homes and retirement communities. To this end, The Villages at Mary's House for Older Adults is constructing safe and welcoming venues and activities for LGBTQ+/SGL families of choice. 

Moreover, the COVID pandemic has forced many elders to stay inside and, in many instances, to be alone. These factors have elevated the risks of social isolation and loneliness. They have brought to light the health and financial inequities that disproportionately impact elders, elders of color, and LGBTQ+/ SGL elders. Building communities and crafting villages, The Villages at Mary's House for Older Adults interrupt social isolation to ensure that no one will be alone on our watch.

To assist in our efforts to eliminate social isolation and loneliness, we collaborate with our community of innovators, educators, friends, and allies who support us with phone calls, drive-up visits, PPE, water, and food cards. We envision continued intergenerational LGBTQ+/SGL exchanges of energy, expertise, stories, critical history, and laughter. 

We train all our health, helping, and peer-to-peer volunteers within The Villages of Marys House for Older Adults community. We know they are not merely culturally competent but also dedicated fans of our communities and Villages.